Guitar lessons - Outline of lesson content


To learn to play the guitar the 'Tim Jenks Way' will mean learning the guitar basics within a Blues setting.

I have been playing Blues Guitar for longer than I care to admit.... but after almost half a century of playing Blues guitar I still get excited by it. Blues guitar is emotive and expressive... and it's relatively easy to get started - with a few chords under your belt you can start to accompany songs in the manner of a rhythm guitar player. and then, once you have mastered a scale or two, you will be able to improvise your own blues licks over the top and produce a lead solo riff to accompany the chord progression.

You will not need to purchase a guitar tutor. I will help you develop your own style and direct you to web pages that contain all of the 'book learning' that you will need (chord tabs etc.)

I will be able to loan you a guitar for the first few weeks until you are prepared to buy your own. That will enable you to get used to handling a guitar and help you understand what you are looking for when you come to make that first purchase.


First Lesson

The first lesson will be free! It will be a 'skill scan' to determine what you already know about the guitar. Don't worry if you know nothing! If you are only just setting out and do not even have a guitar the first lesson can consist of me advising you on features to look for in purchasing your first guitar.

For an absolute beginner with a guitar already purchased, we will start with tuning the guitar and simple chord shapes.

If you already know basic chord shapes then we can progress on to some major pentatonic scale work - to get those fingers really moving on the fret board. Or we can work at speeding up chord changes you already know - to make rapid smooth chord transitions become second nature to you.


Second Lesson

The aim of the second lesson will be to get you accompanying a song. Which song will be negotiable!


Third and Subsequent Lessons

The direction and pace of lessons will be different for each student I take on. I will take into account your musical taste and rate of skill accumulation. I view teaching you as accompanying you on a journey into guitar proficiency rather than making you jump through hoops.


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